My Books
THREE CREATION STORIES; A RABBI ENCOUNTERS THE UNIVERSE A journey through science, philosophy, and religion to answer the fundamental question, what is reality? Three Creation Stories
A RABBI’S GUIDE TO BEING HUMAN For one year Rabbi Gold wrote a weekly spiritual message dealing with the fundamental issues of being human, from birth to death. Now this collection of messages is available as an e-book. A Rabbi’s Guide to Being Human
THE KABBALAH OF LOVE; THE STORY OF A SOUL – A middle age rabbi going through a crisis of faith, travels to Jerusalem for a spiritual rebirth. There he meets a Kabbalist-mathematician who shares with him the story of a soul. (Available in paperback or on kindle.) The Kabbalah of Love
THE TEN JOURNEYS OF LIFE; WALKING THE PATH OF ABRHAHAM, A GUIDE TO BEING HUMAN – the Biblical story of Abraham serves as the basis for this motivational book on how to face each of life’s journeys. (Available in paperback.) The Ten Journeys of Life
GOD, LOVE, SEX, AND FAMILY; A RABBI’S GUIDE TO BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS THAT LAST – What do we owe our parents, our siblings, our spouse, and our children? And how should we look at many of the threats to contemporary families?
(Available in hardcover.) God, Love, Sex, and Family
DOES GOD BELONG IN THE BEDROOM? – Rabbi Gold’s classic study of Jewish sexual ethics and the importance of climbing the ladder of holiness. (Available in hardcover.) Does God Belong in the Bedroom?
AND HANNAH WEPT; INFERTILITY, ADOPTION, AND THE JEWISH COUPLE – The first important book, published by the Jewish Publication Society, giving a Jewish perspective on infertility and adoption. (Available in hardcover or paperback.) And Hannah Wept